Miss Feliks: Matilda you sweet child of noir...
Miss Feliks: wip for Le Jour B
Miss Feliks: underwater love
PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast: #miniature wet food. Actually for a dog according to the custom order, either way Arya isn't fooled. #cats #Miniaturefood #polymerclay
fluire: The 24 Solar Terms: 【大暑】Great Heat
fluire: The 24 Solar Terms: 【雨水】Rain Water
fluire: Felted furkids # 01
Adara .: macedonia digital.
^w^ *o* `-´ u_u: Patterns! ♥
annwood: perching owl
annwood: walter side
. Z .: Mol2- doodle55
Shay Aaron: Making an Aubergine Cane
Lee Schein: Fennec
hine: HINE + PEZ = HINEZ
hine: Sea Cuties(海の荒くれ乙女)
scrumptiousdelight: figure skating yeti
Shay Aaron: Alfajores
pepehiller: PEARGIR - 4" Wood Designer Toy
PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast: Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly Sandwich
Yumfactory: Audrey Kawasaki for Hi-Fructose 5th Anniversary Show
star.bunni: fish boy
Yumfactory: "Fishbowl" by Annie Owens for Hi-Fructose 5th Anniversary Group Show
galessa's plastics: Marx's Toy Washing Tub, early 1950s
star.bunni: run run run
Nationaal Archief: Bedbril / Glasses for reading in bed
Nationaal Archief: Eénwielige motorfiets / One wheel motor cycle
Nationaal Archief: Plastic sneeuwstormbeschermer / Face protection from snowstorms