Ro Cafe: Mushrooms growing in my garden
Lepanthes2010... 7,800,000 VIEWS: Platystele gerritseniana
Guido Deburghgraeve: Masdevallia hymenantha in situ 1
AdamNoosa: A Walk Through Time Begonia U012 (Symbegonia U012)
phrakt: Begonia
Olivier R..: Licuala mattanensis var. paucisecta
PiotrM: Philodendron verrucosum
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Lichens in Cueva de los Guacharos National Natural Park, Huila department, Colombia.
antonsrkn: Toad and Fungi
J. Kelk: Satanic Leaf Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus)
Hesperia2007: Chingaza National Park, Colombia
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Lepanthes wageneri (Distribución : Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú ? y Bolivia entre 1300 y 3000 m snm) floreciendo in situ, Putumayo, Colombia
NABU|naturgucker: Glockenblume , NGID339572874
Steve Beckendorf: Lepanthes calodictyon 'Vistamont' CCE 95_5212
Lepanthes2010... 7,800,000 VIEWS: Lepanthes corrugata
Ruben D. Jarrin E.: Ciccaba virgata / Búho Moteado / Mottled owl
brentbristolsr: 13-04-11_081308_M=C_ps
Reptiles4all: Rough knob-tailed gecko
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Stripe-throated Hermit and Eyelash Pit Viper
Ville.V.: Demerara Falls tree frog (Hypsiboas cinerascens) Pinocchio Rainfrog - Pristimantis appendiculatus
HyperViper: A Pair of Dwarf Sahara Sand Vipers (Cerastes Vipera) זוג עכנים קטנים
ecuadororchids: Utricularia endresii
Rushen!: Acanthosaura phuketensis, Phuket horned tree agamid (juvenile) - Khao Sok National Park
Thomas Shahan 3: 2016 Bugshot - Tambopata, Peru
hachadourian: Lepanthes corrugata
Lecanorchis: Corybas sp.
Tower the rider: Sonerila hybrid
Nuytsia@Tas: Hypopterygium and frond friend