francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Venus moderne
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Conduite d'eau
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Stairway to nowhere
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Le geste auguste du zingueur
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Leurs mains
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Algues en lavagne
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Paranoïa : Souriez vous êtes filmé !
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Eau vue de haut
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
La Terre : entre les orteils
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Amours déchus
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Araignée mange-pierre
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Larmes de terre
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Bienvenue à Anvers
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Ginko biloba
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Arbre cordé - Attachements improbables
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Couleur d'automne
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Secret d'arbre...