francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - La Caravane Culturelle Syrienne
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Louis Lafabrié et Dominique Ottavi
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Daniel et François Szabo
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Ahmed Djelilate et Rahaele Mamane
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Ahmed Djelilate
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Ahmed Djelilate
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Nadine Agostini, narquoise
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Raphaele Mamane & Dominique Ottavi
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Dominique Ottavi
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - André Robèr
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Dominique Sampiero
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Giuseppe Goffredo
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - La Caravane Culturelle Syrienne
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Danièle Faugeras
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Degui Trio
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Marthe Omé
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Urgence Poésie 2 - Guillaume Boppe
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Monsieur Michel Butor a tiré sa révérence
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Dialog... avec Abbas Kiarostami - "Avec de grandes jambes et un petit kilim, comment ne pas déborder du kilim ?"
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Cyclope ou bilboquet ?
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Attention à la marche !
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Promis demain j'arrête les licornes...
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Promis ! demain elle arrête l'herbe à chat...
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Optique des fibres cuivrées
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Festival Résurgence ??? euhhh, par où ? On cherche encore !
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]: Après avoir viré les Poètes...