francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Saleté de moustique !
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Sabre au clair
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La revanche d'Eve !
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Etonnante percussion
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La main jaune 2
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Aux innocents les mains pleines
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Disque Obole
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Bourgeois de Calais
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Main de Docker
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Tubas Bras
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le baiser
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Violon Tzigane
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St Patrick
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Le repos du saxo
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Haut les mains !
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Bermuda rouge
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oh saxo
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L'oeuf qui flottait sur l'eau dans un bol, place de l'Oeuf
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le sixieme doigt
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La manche
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La belle jardinière
francoise_lesage [back to the trees]:
Ephebe au bain