christianzieg: Golden awakening
christianzieg: Sports after cleaning
christianzieg: Dead tree in the lake
christianzieg: The eye of the gentian
christianzieg: Beautiful grace
christianzieg: Touch of the light
christianzieg: Winter world
christianzieg: Big little
christianzieg: Sculptured by water
christianzieg: Symetrics
christianzieg: Light on the land
christianzieg: Beauty of youth
christianzieg: Vulnerable beauty
christianzieg: A star comes out
christianzieg: A cold day
christianzieg: Butterfly
christianzieg: Tulip in soft focus
christianzieg: Grey Goose flying over a lake
christianzieg: Grub of a banana folder (Caligo eurilochus)
christianzieg: Citrus dovetail (Papilio demoleus)
christianzieg: Soldier beetle (Cantaris fusca)
christianzieg: Grassfrog (rana temporaria)
christianzieg: Dead trees in a moor
christianzieg: Black darter (Sympetrum dadae)
christianzieg: Time of silence
christianzieg: Beach after sundown
christianzieg: Foggy morning
christianzieg: Waiting for pray
christianzieg: On the top
christianzieg: Morning on the Plansee