Steven Weng: 2015.09.14 Rainbow
Fstoppers: iPhone Fashion 9 Raw
Fstoppers: iPhone Fashion 2 edited
wuphoto: 漂流木 DriftWood
HaoJan: 板橋│攝影師背後的女人 II
mmarsupilami: X Mist cyclable X
HaoJan: 我不是有喵的生活
DanielKHC: Burj on the Rocks!
callbusybiz: 25kmlimited01
莉莉周: 66190005_nEO_IMG
搖滾金門: 三隻陪伴阿嘛的動物
mookio 阿默: Cross in light of night
mookio 阿默: Reading in light
Neil Wade: Dragon Tiger Towers Entrance
搖滾金門: 金門 浯島城隍爺4月12 搖滾金門 KINMEN30 八家將
i'm Jac: biker
Ejaz Travegraphy: Putrajaya- Boat2
g_cowan: windmills
im40: no2 fisheye
Muktasyaf AnNamir: The Alternation of Night & Day
triptiqc: Steam
*dans: rainbow 101 彩虹
Soumik Kar: How about a little arty stuff....
Noelas: 92910005_阿里山_夫妻樹_星軌
iki-photos: la rampe
wee_photo: HDR Review and Redo
stanchiou: Chigu Lagoon,Tainan,Taiwan
mraaronmorris: 12th ave2
黑麵之路‧不由分說: b_DCseries_Kotori_20060325_012