gut-Z: Flamingo Tongues
gut-Z: Parrot Fish
gut-Z: Stoplight Parrot Fish
gut-Z: Stoplight Parrot Fish
gut-Z: Can you see my lil babies?
gut-Z: Flamingo Tongues
gut-Z: Red-banded Shrimp
gut-Z: Cowfish
gut-Z: Queen Angelfish
gut-Z: Spotted Eel
gut-Z: Christmas Tree Worms
gut-Z: Too Young to Beg?
gut-Z: The Face
gut-Z: Kids at the Temple
gut-Z: Around the temple city
gut-Z: Stone Carvings
gut-Z: Bayon
gut-Z: Door Frames
gut-Z: Statues on the bridge to Victory Gate
gut-Z: View from the top...
gut-Z: Bayon Temple
gut-Z: Tuktuk Parade
gut-Z: Halong Bay
gut-Z: Dock
gut-Z: House boats
gut-Z: Mobile vendor
gut-Z: Boat Eyes
gut-Z: Mind your own business
gut-Z: To the fishing market...
gut-Z: Ancient Town