Zerves: Drooped
Zerves: Bus
Zerves: The Building
Zerves: Blue Flower
Zerves: Artemis
Zerves: The Effect of Rain
Zerves: Fall
Zerves: Beginning my Foray into Photography
Zerves: Clowny
Zerves: Calm
Zerves: Shiny Pollen
Zerves: The Road to the Sun
Zerves: The Fence
Zerves: The Cove
Zerves: Train Mailbox
Zerves: The First Butterfly of the Summer
Zerves: Fly
Zerves: Looking at the Lake
Zerves: Fireweed
Zerves: The Beach
Zerves: Growing
Zerves: Tiny Spider
Zerves: The Sofa in the Field
Zerves: Artemis and Athena
Zerves: Me
Zerves: Pip
Zerves: Little Orange Flowers
Zerves: Pip the Mallard
Zerves: From the Hanging Basket