jigsnacho: Petirrojo
pstenzel71: Red Leaf
yiutungs: 0J8A4705
Ted Holm Photography: A tranquil foggy lake cradles a few swimming ducks, while fiery fall colors burst vividly across the surrounding trees
Hydraheerd (Aly Bolhuis): “ ……. snow in autumn “
Rckr88: Elephants on the River Bank
Digital Plume Hunter: [Heavenly herons] Western Cattle Egret
Digital Plume Hunter: [Heavenly herons] Western Cattle Egret
Stefan Schlegl: Cocoireiher / Cocoi Heron / Ardea cocoi / Garca-moura
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Male Sparrowhawk.
Iyhon Chiu: 国分寺・殿ヶ谷戸庭園 ∣ Tonogayato Gardens・Kokubunji
Iyhon Chiu: 国分寺・殿ヶ谷戸庭園 ∣ Tonogayato Gardens・Kokubunji
Iyhon Chiu: 国分寺・殿ヶ谷戸庭園 ∣ Tonogayato Gardens・Kokubunji
horstjudykaiser: As sweet as sugar...
Ken Krach Photography: Eagle & Its Fish
I follow birds: Tricolored Heron
Ken Krach Photography: Junco Perched on a Fence
Ken Krach Photography: Autumn Morning in Baltimore County
Ken Krach Photography: Between the Goalposts
Ken Krach Photography: Crossing the Colorado River
Ken Krach Photography: Tufted Titmouse
Ken Krach Photography: Juvenile Bald Eagle Searching for a Fish
Ken Krach Photography: Leaves at Autumn
Ken Krach Photography: Junco on a Fence
Wj Mack: IMG_7476
Wj Mack: 1A1A4440
Wj Mack: IMG_7426
jim_2wilson: Gelada, Bristol Zoo Project