Teddi Beres: PJ party at Teddi's place - beach volleyball & baby dinosaurs
LauraGenia.Viper: A flower blooms in my mind
•blackbird_sl•: Snapshot_001
Chloe6Li: ..just ... me
Chloe6Li: I Shall wait
Teddi Beres: Thank you for the honor to be a topper!
Maggie Runo: Hopes and wishes...
Chloe6Li: 2+1 =
LisaJ Doobie (Second Life): A girl and her sailboat
Gurbo Ghost: I found you
Shenn Coleman: fairy003b
Shenn Coleman: shineyes01
Teddi Beres: He spilled the wine ... in his lap!
Danica Aries: shades of gray
Danica Aries: daydreaming
Danica Aries: new me :)
Danica Aries: because i like gray
gyrenejane: ! Framed Dancing
Teddi Beres: Promo Still! "Breaktime for the Cadets"
Jan Button: Gabi Madison
Jan Button: Gabi Madison
not always here and never all there: sunset in the dark wood
starrysamb23: 53482635160_c522db1de6_o
Teddi Beres: Belated happiness is still happiness