zeelicious: canal view orig
zeelicious: canal view sepia
zeelicious: grand canal from the Rialto bridge
zeelicious: grand canal from the rialto - sepia
zeelicious: Quadri Cafe menu
zeelicious: amaretto sundae
zeelicious: i'm engaged!!
zeelicious: the rialto bridge
zeelicious: outside the train station
zeelicious: scary ferry
zeelicious: flooded cafe
zeelicious: piazza san marco flooded
zeelicious: st. mark's at night
zeelicious: DSC_0061.JPG
zeelicious: DSC_0025.JPG
zeelicious: DSC_0100.JPG
zeelicious: after i said yes
zeelicious: DSC_0058.JPG
zeelicious: this pretty much summarizes the entire trip
zeelicious: view from the rialto
zeelicious: billy on the rialto
zeelicious: grand canal from the rialto