lauren {elycerose}: Strawberry Dream Cake
lauren {elycerose}: meg outside
ecstaticist - The Day Falls Away
james eugene frank: Fawcett st. -- Tacoma
james eugene frank: End of sitting .....
Cosi!: trading snow for sand
ecstaticist - Return of Metatron
james eugene frank: winter rose bush, 2011
olgeir: Iceland
lauren {elycerose}: up close and personal
Andy Kennelly: smoldering
Andy Kennelly: rise up
Trisha G.: Or is this stillness here, the calm between my ears?
james eugene frank: the 'Names of God' ....
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: If the butterfly courted the bee
lauren {elycerose}: ... a moment aglow...
Andy Kennelly: frozen in time
james eugene frank: Another ode to fuzzylogic55 .....