On a golden day
No one has ever loved anyone the way everyone wants to be loved... Mignon McLaughlin
One marked feature of the people, both high and low, is a love for flowers. ..Robert Fortune
In the sea of serenity and purity,
Behold a dream, the dream is gone
Give me thy hand, and hush awhile
O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches.
At dawn I unite with the breeze
Our secret beach
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother ....quote by Khalil Gibran
Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star... Paul Dirac
Through pleasant paths, through dainty ways, Love leads my feet
Sunlight bright upon my pillow Lighter than an eiderdown
A moment in solitude with you
Poppies for Belgium
Spring up in the sky
Perhaps not to be is to be without your being
" HOPE is important, because it can make the Present Moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that Tomorrow will be better, we can bear a Hardship today. " - Thich Nhat Hanh
Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.
There is no other day Let's try it another way
Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance... Epicurus
Words are but pictures of our thoughts.
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. Rumi
The universe is a complete unique entity.
" Take thou the cup ... and go where meadows span The plain, whither the bird with tuneful throat Has brought Spring's sweeter note. " - Hafiz
Tulip season
Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls... Mother Teresa