A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion
A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion
A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion series
A Foggy notion
A Foggy notion
A Foggy notion series
The Village of the Damned
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves... Thomas A. Edison
When the shoe strings break On both your shoes And you're in a hurry- That's the blues.
The true form of Something
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
''“As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.” '' ― Pablo Neruda
Where I was born and raised and spent my prime
“I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it”
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night