.^.Blanksy: ... as was told
.^.Blanksy: The city on the river there is a girl without a dream
.^.Blanksy: Never assume to comprehend
.^.Blanksy: German and Mark
.^.Blanksy: Just once, when i say 'oh, i'm fine' i want someone to look me in the eye and say 'Okay. Now tell the truth.'
.^.Blanksy: Waroinn'i
.^.Blanksy: Perhaps you cast a sidelong glance
.^.Blanksy: Trapped
.^.Blanksy: The fabric of existence weaves itself whole.
.^.Blanksy: Dare to go higher
.^.Blanksy: Esther's taps
.^.Blanksy: Heckling