.^.Blanksy: Vancouver Island
.^.Blanksy: I'll take the low road
.^.Blanksy: The Ogden Point Mural project .. British Columbia
.^.Blanksy: Point of no return
.^.Blanksy: I'll take the low road
.^.Blanksy: Three
.^.Blanksy: never the twain shall meet
.^.Blanksy: Every day you play with the light of the universe
.^.Blanksy: Still waters run deep.
.^.Blanksy: the edge of the Pacific .. British Columbia is 8960 kilometres (5570 miles) from China.
.^.Blanksy: ... and suddenly this day equal to all others
.^.Blanksy: Cruise ship to Alaska
.^.Blanksy: no mountain high enough
.^.Blanksy: the dawning of your knowledge
.^.Blanksy: Pacific Northwest
.^.Blanksy: snow borne sorrow
.^.Blanksy: Between the windows of the sea Where lovely mermaids flow
.^.Blanksy: ........... and suddenly this day equal to all others
.^.Blanksy: the dark hidden ones
.^.Blanksy: the dark hidden ones
.^.Blanksy: We have no time to stand and stare.