Happy Thanksgiving Canada .
Autumn series
Wander the boulevards, up and down, restlessly, while the dry leaves are blowing.
Autumn series
Autumn series
The First Page
here and there a yellow leaf shows itself
Nature's boldest triumph told
Our life is frittered away by detail . . . Simplify, simplify. - Thoreau.
falling leaves hide the path so quietly
Delicious autumn
.......... Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul .....
A Fairfield Autumn
October's sonnet
Cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
silence is ....
And so at last, you sleep, in the circle of my arms that push back the shadows so that you can rest--
I am told , you belong to darkness
What a lucky man he was .. RIP Greg Lake
How sad that people ignore the near and search for truth afar. .. Hakuin Ekaku
Autumn series
Autumn series
Autumn series
How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.
Thus sang the jolly Autumn as he sat
Bleak and remembered, patched with red .. October Fence
A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summers wave good bye
Autumn Still Life
.... No spring nor summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one autumnall face .....
Earth's rumour grew in the leaves