Steve Attwood: A vast alpine wetland
dt_images: Mycena interrupta
b_benjamin_b: The sanctuary and the fog
Donald Laing: IMGP0361 Digging tool -Tuatara foot Zealandia 05-10-14
digitaltrails: Whitehead (Mohoua albicilla)
kurtsharpe: Common bully
ohsarahrose: Zealandia:
Donald Laing: IMGP2143 Not a great image, but it does show a male Hihi (Stitchbird) feeding on Five finger berries - Zealandia 11-05-14
evan_mcc: little sticky
pixelgrit: Zealandia
pixelgrit: Zealandia
pixelgrit: Zealandia
Lee Sheridan: IMG_1257
Lee Sheridan: IMG_1272
scottyboylamont: North Island Saddleback/Tieke
Steve Attwood: Kakariki - red-crowned parakeet -Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae
strobenz: 20100130-_DSC0842
strobenz: 20091221-_DSC8779
Brendon & Keryn: IMG_7402
Brendon & Keryn: IMG_7327
Brendon & Keryn: IMG_7705
Steve Attwood: Kereru - New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)
Steve Attwood: Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)
Steve Attwood: Toutouwai - New Zealand Robin - Petroica australis
Steve Attwood: Chorus Cicada - Amphipsalta zelandica
Steve Attwood: Forest Fungi Karori Sanctuary 080309
Steve Attwood: Peek-a-boo - Ruru (Morepork Owl) at Karori Sanctuary