zdeto: Cheile Turzii si echipa Redescopera Romania
zdeto: Cheile Turzii #3
zdeto: Cheile Turzii #2
zdeto: Cheile Turzii #1
zdeto: Enisala fortress on sunset
zdeto: Razim lake as seen from Enisala fortress
zdeto: Enisala fortress
zdeto: Enisala
zdeto: Stormy sunset on september urban sky
zdeto: Bolboci lake
zdeto: Stormy sunset
zdeto: The story of a sunset
zdeto: Hunting for the Perseides
zdeto: Photomontage of falling meteors
zdeto: Playing with a torch on the sky
zdeto: Playing with a torch on the sky, and bugs flying around
zdeto: A meteor? :)
zdeto: Oh my God, it's full of stars!
zdeto: 70 shots stacked into one
zdeto: stars...
zdeto: _MG_9385
zdeto: _MG_9384
zdeto: _MG_9362
zdeto: _MG_9330
zdeto: _MG_9328
zdeto: _MG_9327
zdeto: Rainbow at night
zdeto: Lightnings and stars at sea
zdeto: Lighnings and stars at sea
zdeto: IMG_0405-Panorama