^ Zazo ^: You! I L o v e Y.o.u
^ Zazo ^: “Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
^ Zazo ^: Apart..so soon!
^ Zazo ^: Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.
^ Zazo ^: 2/December..A Day gave us history!
^ Zazo ^: “Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking"
^ Zazo ^: If the answer is infinite light,why do we sleep in the dark?
^ Zazo ^: “Silence is the most powerful scream.”
^ Zazo ^: It's a sad woman who buys her own perfume
^ Zazo ^: راشـد بن سعيـد
^ Zazo ^: The mistake started with an apple!
^ Zazo ^: Lonely is the night you are alone..and your mind is not your own
^ Zazo ^: Doors open because you're beautiful!
^ Zazo ^: "ولكـن لا تواعدوهـن سـرا"
^ Zazo ^: If the shoe fits, its too expensive
^ Zazo ^: You break it..You pay for it
^ Zazo ^: GoodBye Fighter Fish!!
^ Zazo ^: Its a Bubble Day
^ Zazo ^: بيت الله الحـرام
^ Zazo ^: بأي ذنب قتلت
^ Zazo ^: The best toothpaste Ever
^ Zazo ^: My three muskteers
^ Zazo ^: That's wht I ordered
^ Zazo ^: Dinner with Um 3bdulla..Allah y6awel b3emrha
^ Zazo ^: My W810i
^ Zazo ^: I fear the future..
^ Zazo ^: Rain..rain...I won't cry again
^ Zazo ^: WadYY
^ Zazo ^: يـا جرح من ويـن أبتـدي
^ Zazo ^: Yea, Me and My Mr.Right!!