Jón Heiðar: Doesn´t get any better than a large Tri-X 400...
Kay Ovvy: _MG_6343web
rebeckaalva: Amanda
quinnks: These are hard times for dreamers.
Kordelakos: Happiness
Lost America: Riding Squeaky Casters into the Abyss
macropoulos: Weightlifter
VIVIAN GEROGIANNI: colorful leafs
localathens: thanx card alkotest
Werner's World: John Hancock Tower
Shane Michael Black: Northern Lights Panorama
Nick_Turpin: Street Photograph Wintersun
Andyincheshire: Barn owl landing sequence - Tyto alba
Thomas Åsen: Simen Raknes - Kickflip
j / f / photos: shoulderstand
Death By Sushi: The hood is not a hood unless it's tilted
CL▲UDZ: Fixed by the lake
bfeeley: David Lee
woodwoolstool: woooooooooooooooool
masahiro miyasaka: Galaxy autumn lake
masahiro miyasaka: ☆Christmas Stars Diamond☆
masahiro miyasaka: Star icefall
masahiro miyasaka: Frosted Leaf Galaxy