Zack DeLaune: Bored. #zd365 #365 #365project #sofarbehind #andnowIamplayingwithstupidapps
Zack DeLaune: Started from the bottom now we here. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Showdown at Broadway & Chambers. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Raaaaaargh! #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: This is a school. That's all I have to say about that. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Western Beef, Brooklyn, 2015 #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: It's getting more difficult to find pretty snow in the city. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Remember these? #schooldays #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: NBD just original clapboard from 1675. #zd365 #365 #365project #brooklynmuseum #SchenckHouse
Zack DeLaune: You'll have to forgive me this one, but it really was the highlight of the day. Got to see Stephen Shore speak tonight at Pratt, finally bought his book which was number 1 on my wish list, and got to have him sign it. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. #snowpocalypse #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Pure as the driven snow. #zd365 #365 #project365
Zack DeLaune: Empty fenced-off lot means pure, untrodden snow. Looks like a Zen garden. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: I'll just leave these here for a second... #zd365 #365 #project365
Zack DeLaune: Broadway, NYC. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: 💵💵💵💵 #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Sometimes, you don't wanna come out of your shell. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: I'll take what's behind Door Number One. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: What a knob. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: How can you tell I have the flu? I missed a day and mixed these photos up. Here's some more gates. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: I think I have the flu. Here's some gates and stuff. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: "Staples and pliers became more important than bullets and pistols, and the cowboy went from riding the range to riding fence..." -William Least-Heat Moon #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: On a mission. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: High-speed carting #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been four of them. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Winter = amazing light + not wanting to be outside. Quite the conundrum. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Run, kid, run. It's cold out here. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: This is what my face felt like when I went outside today. #zd365 #365 #365project
Zack DeLaune: Survivor.
Zack DeLaune: You really forget how much you need to get out of the city...until you get out of the city. East Aurora, NY #zd365 #365 #365project