bryan...: Apple Store, 倫敦, 大倫敦行政區, 英國首都, 英格蘭, 英倫, 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國, 聯合王國, 不列顛, 英國, London, England, Britain, UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
bryan...: 12 days of Flickr
Olive Girl: Cold day in Oulu (11)
Olive Girl: Cold day in Oulu (3)
Olive Girl: Tower
Rita LEE@: IMG-20120129-WA0002
Kaba: X'mas office deco competition
Kaba: X'mas office deco competition
Kaba: Canon Photo Exihibition at Siam
Kaba: X'mas office deco competition
Kaba: X'mas office deco competition
Kaba: 暫別準媽媽
Kaba: 台北捷運上的嚇人廣告
Rita LEE@: Say HI !
Rita LEE@: 夏天好熱,可是襪子脫不掉。
Kaba: It's so windy and cold
Kaba: Grand Central
Kaba: MoMA
Kaba: Empire State / 帝國大廈
Kaba: Time Square
Kaba: 河馬
Kaba: Metropolitan Museum of Art / 大都會博物館
Kaba: Metropolitan Museum of Art / 大都會博物館
Kaba: 不知道大家還記不記得Charlie
Kaba: 遊民也在apple store跟他的朋友facetime!!!
Kaba: 5th Avenue
Kaba: Peter Luger's Steak House
Kaba: Strand Bookstore
Kaba: Strand Bookstore