yukkbie: 紫陽花ー紫、青ー/ hortensia-blue and purple
yukkbie: pink hortensia flowers
yukkbie: 花火、上がった/ flower firework!
yukkbie: 紫陽花、横姿/ a view from the side
yukkbie: an hontensia-looking up-/ 紫陽花、見上げてみた
yukkbie: a white hortensia/ 紫陽花ー花火ー
yukkbie: 紫陽花/ hortensia
yukkbie: dreamy hortensia/ ほんわか紫陽花
yukkbie: 花開く前/ before the flowers open...
yukkbie: これも紫陽花?/ Is this also a kind of hortensia?
yukkbie: 優しい紫陽花/ love your gentleness
yukkbie: a bench by hortensia's trees/ 紫陽花のかたわらのベンチ
yukkbie: 紫陽花、横顔/ an hortensia -profiel-
yukkbie: ぶるーぽいんと  / Blue point・・・・
yukkbie: 紫あじさい/ Hortensia in Purple
yukkbie: full of lights/ 光、いっぱい
yukkbie: an hortensia/ 紫陽花
yukkbie: blue hortensia/ 青い紫陽花
yukkbie: あじさい/ hortensia
yukkbie: a white floating flower boat in the darkness
yukkbie: 闇の中/ in the darkness
yukkbie: feeling blue ..憂鬱な時
yukkbie: アナベル・ Annabelle
yukkbie: 紫陽花・hortensia
yukkbie: 紫陽花とおみくじ・flowers and omikuji on a rainy day
yukkbie: 紅色・en rouge
yukkbie: 雨の日・a rainy day