yukkbie: a spring day......
yukkbie: 桜/ Sakura
yukkbie: 桜のブーケ・ bouquet of cherry blossoms
yukkbie: 春がきた/ Spring has come
yukkbie: 赤・・・/ red red red.....
yukkbie: 足立美術館・Adachi museum of art
yukkbie: 静けさ / Stillness
yukkbie: 島根県立美術館
yukkbie: Momiji
yukkbie: 爺杉
yukkbie: 青池・Aoike
yukkbie: 青池・ blue lake
yukkbie: 鯉幟
yukkbie: snowing...
yukkbie: 木漏れ日のなかで・・/in a warm sunlight
yukkbie: 雪の渡月橋・togetsukyo on a snowy day
yukkbie: a snowy path/ 雪小道
yukkbie: a small temple
yukkbie: 雪の木/ a snow tree
yukkbie: a leaf
yukkbie: in Mallorca
yukkbie: Mallorcan pastry..
yukkbie: 駅・station
yukkbie: 新国立美術館・The National Art Center Tokyo
yukkbie: 津和野カトリック教会