yukkbie: 虹発見!/ a rainbow!!
yukkbie: a reflection I found in Budapest
yukkbie: almost identical.....?
yukkbie: ポスト@ブダペスト/ a postbox
yukkbie: a view through the windows
yukkbie: Praying for someone
yukkbie: a chandelier
yukkbie: a car
yukkbie: coming into the blue or going out to the light?
yukkbie: 聖イシュトヴァーン大聖堂にて/ in Szent Istvan-bazilika
yukkbie: an orange car in Budapest
yukkbie: at a cafe in Budapest/ ブダペストのカフェにて
yukkbie: What I need now.....
yukkbie: a waterreflection image in Budapest
yukkbie: Budapest
yukkbie: ナイーブ美術館/Naiv Muzeum
yukkbie: 下へ下へ・・・/ go down and down and down......