☆mintia☆: Serina
☆mintia☆: Natsumi & baby Erika who came back from faceup spa sometime back :D
☆mintia☆: Sayaka
☆mintia☆: おでこちゃん
☆mintia☆: Mini Ryoya meet~
☆mintia☆: My hair model for today! ꒰。•◡•。꒱۶
☆mintia☆: "Still got seat?"
☆mintia☆: Ma Petite Cherie Namecards
☆mintia☆: Wig dilemma!! Each gives a different feel but I like both on him. Which do you prefer?
☆mintia☆: Ma Petite Cherie @ J33 DollPaCa
☆mintia☆: Attempt at doll-size vintage-y cushions went swimmingly well! The fabric printing went off without a hitch and even the gathering foot of the sewing machine was kind to me this time, lol. Also put together a simple bouquet, loving the colors! ♡ #handmade
☆mintia☆: Dollelong 2017!
☆mintia☆: ...I've finally flouted my first so-called 'BJD rules' - No DDs! 《゚Д゚》Ok, actually it wasn't a rule set consciously but I didn't think I'd ever want one. Which, at this point, may be kinda surprising, since I dress my girls in modern fashion, haha. The he
☆mintia☆: 最近毎日雨が降ってるが、今日は珍しく晴れてたから、ボディーメークをしてみました。写真によく映ってないが…σ^_^; この下着は2年程前に買った。可愛くて気に入ったが、なんだか初めてうちの子に着させた。ランジェリー撮影をしようかな(^∇^) It's been raining everyday lately but it was sunny at last today, so I finally got down to the long-overdue body blushing...! Doesn't
☆mintia☆: Hello Kitty!
☆mintia☆: Angelic Pretty Rose Toilette SK
☆mintia☆: FS: Volks School D Head
☆mintia☆: FS: Volks School D Head
☆mintia☆: FS: Switch Chocolate Cut