youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: And the band begins to play.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Then the crowd began to head for the horizon
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: We used to walk Mancunian Way.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Counterbalance this commotion. We're not droplets in the ocean.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Look at us, through the lens of a camera.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: All of the miles of words we've spoken.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Would you lay with me and just forget the world?
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble.