youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: We'll run wild. We'll be glowing in the dark.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: “This is a kindness. Do not be alarmed.”
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: I like yogurt. Yogurt's my favorite. Gimme yogurt.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: And the band begins to play.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: I've travelled half the world to say; you are my muse.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: That place I can't get out of my head.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Carrera de la Mujer, Sevilla 2011.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Carrera de la Mujer, Sevilla 2011.
youmaysayiamadreamerbutiamnottheonlyone: Carrera de la Mujer, Sevilla 2011.