New York Public Library: The Witch Girl (cinema 1915)
Ooze It: HeavyMetalVomitParty
Ooze It: TrooperHMVP
bones!: Heather's bee hand!
Mountain|s Twin: Morgan's Home
Mountain|s Twin: Morgan's Home
Mountain|s Twin: Morgan's Home
wewillallbewell: .... Lesbianzzzzzzzz.....
SERA HELEN TATTOO: we belong together
frank3.0: Graves and Abandoned Church, Chackbay, Louisiana
Anonymous Agent: Finally thinking straight
bones!: Kevin's Barry Moser "Jonah and the Whale" piece. we have some fine detail work left to do, but after a few hours of solid black in the back of his knee we decided to call it a night.
BoneLust: BONELUST ART & JEWELRY NATURAL SUPPLIES: Just now sorting these natural supplies that were a bday gifts. Insects, mummified frogs, bones, crab pinchers, snail shells & wasp nests. All ethically sourced & found by chance over many years. Already have plans