yokopatri: Sabiha Gockem (it was Sabiha Gökçen)
yokopatri: view from my hotel in Istanbul
yokopatri: going to ANI
yokopatri: going to ANI
yokopatri: going to ANI
yokopatri: going to ANI
yokopatri: young julio
yokopatri: young cleo
yokopatri: ishakpasa
yokopatri: turkish tv
yokopatri: 1001nights palace
yokopatri: sun rising in istanbul
yokopatri: Kars airport window
yokopatri: snow in a place...SARIKAMIS
yokopatri: Nice two, Emanuelle and Onur
yokopatri: view from the hotel in istanbul
yokopatri: little angel givin a kiss
yokopatri: my views from the window in the hotel Istanbul
yokopatri: Mondia
yokopatri: Lovely couple, Dogu and Onur
yokopatri: more views from the window IST
yokopatri: the room
yokopatri: KARS-TURKEY 002
yokopatri: KARS-TURKEY 001
yokopatri: last day in the party
yokopatri: drinking in the train - girls version
yokopatri: drinking in the train - boys version
yokopatri: 1st day
yokopatri: 1st day
yokopatri: Kitsch bitch