Hello ~ Welcome :) kkk A new member of the family came to us on the 7th of April 2017. #baby
Waiting ... Drinking coffee and playing around with Mac have become a sorta habit I do almost everyday :$
Happy Birthday Jein.. Yesterday (27th) was her 2nd Birthday haha.. (In Korea It's the beginning of her 3rd year so we usually call it her 3rd birthday)
지난주 이케아 쇼핑 때 구입한 제인이 책상. 침대 조립은 언제 하냐 ㅡㅡ 쩌업 Jein's desk from Ikea last week. I need to build a cot for the new family member coming next month haha
The Night of Friday is coming, soon~ what r y'all plans tonight? Kkk 불금의 시간이 스믈스믈.. 야근이 굳혀지는 불안감이 스믈스믈
It's winter so, I unboxed the #drDre #beats #solo2 headphones that I received with my imac early this year. The sound is pretty good.. Actually better than expected. :)
I was bored.. i was about to read Harry Potter but instead, i turned my kindle 4th gen to an e-ink clock kkkkkkkkk
송도 앞바다 배낚시하는데.. 잡히진 않고 해서 사진만 찍고 있음 ㅋㅋ #fishing in #songdo .. waiting for fish.. got bored.. took pictures.. kkk
I'm having a day off from work to work on Jein's Kitchen. We got it from #ikea #kitchen #toy I can't wait to see Jein filling up her kitchen with food n dish haha
Now the project is almost done.. I need to clean up my desk!!! It's too NOT tidy!! #desk #endOfProject #나도해변사진올리고싶다 #나도맛난음식사진올리고싶다 #나도가고싶다놀러
My family's first curtains :) NE chose it, I worjed a little to set it up and Jein is enjoying the curtains #diy oh.. i got the 12V cordless Bosch drill for the 6 screw job. hahaha
There r not much ppl riding today. It must be the long weekend in Korea, i'm sure everyone is out to somewhere.
I'm trying to find the better way to mount the speaker to my bike than using the velcro. Kkk but it does its job though.
I Just received a compact speaker for my bicycle . It is #xiaomi #minispeaker and I'm impressed by its' sound quality n the price :)