李孟 珂.: 噁心的
pimadude: Rivendell Road Standard - Silca Pump Mounted with Campagnolo Pump Holder
Ash Luke: 我的寶貝
張塔可: We did good job again.重新拍東西的感覺有點擔心又有點開心,幸好過程順利且成果還算滿意。原來我可以在創作中找回某部分的自己,雖然時間很短暫,也鮮少人會真正給予肯定,掌聲通常留給幕前,一瞬即逝的滿足,這就是幕後人生。
CarTer_毛: 這是一台迴力車
Slow More 慢吞吞: Always Waste
Wan Wor: ㄧ切都是因為愛精神T!
ADC Karen - Live your Dream: 戰利品-身騎紅馬
Patrick Ng: This is how Midori's brass ruler is made, etching on plain brass plate first, then cut into shape
Patrick Ng: This is how Midori's brass pen is made 1 by 1, metal shaping iterations
Patrick Ng: Brass pen case by Midori is also shaped by iterations
ADC Karen - Live your Dream: 自動鉛筆 x 2
ADC Karen - Live your Dream: Midori BRASS PRODUCTS
zac1976: roll24_11
tina7807: date with emily
kaori gao: Just I love you.
xxruz: 奶奶家舊浴室的地磚
theCarol: [男木島]
Mikeyeung5: DSCF8575
LAB_Studio: Billingham Hadley Smalll
ottocrat: Flap open