Lampson Yup: Urban graphic #nofilter #iphone5
Lampson Yup: 躍 Bounce By #iphone5 #vscocam
Lampson Yup: Step down
Lampson Yup: Every cloud has a silver lining By #iphoneonly #vscocam
Lampson Yup: Riding to the dawn By #iphone #vscocam
Lampson Yup: Stride alone
Lampson Yup: 相遇 #whplinemeetscorner by #iphoneonly #vscocam
Lampson Yup: Guardian 守護者
Lampson Yup: Symmetry
Lampson Yup: #strideby by #vscocam #iphoneonly
Lampson Yup: Angles
Lampson Yup: Chill out
Lampson Yup: RUN FORREST #RUN RUN for the future RUN for the dream Edit by #vscocam #snapseed #iphoneonly
Lampson Yup: 不願做奴隸的人們 Fight for #HK Edit by #vscocam #snapseed #iphoneonly
Lampson Yup: Sky full of paint / by #vscocam #snapseed
Lampson Yup: Sky fall / by #vscocam #snapseed #iphoneonly
Lampson Yup: 藍 人 #Blue man / edit by #vscocam
Lampson Yup: 點 缐 面 Dot Line Surface edit by #snapseed #vscocam
Lampson Yup: 點點燭光 Remember June 4th by #iphoneonly #snapseed #vscocam
Lampson Yup: 同陽光玩遊戲 GoGo sunshine! #vscocam
Lampson Yup: 夏天來了 Summer Magic by #vscocam
Lampson Yup: 逃離 Escape edit by #vscocam
Lampson Yup: #Selfie x2 by #vscocam
Lampson Yup: /// 線 llline
Lampson Yup: 曾同渡過 Together
Lampson Yup: 聚焦 Focus
Lampson Yup: 過客 Traveler
Lampson Yup: Following
Lampson Yup: 比個五 High five