Lampson Yup: 街頭 Street - by #iphone6 #vscocam
Lampson Yup: Taipei impression - by #iphone6
Lampson Yup: Urban graphic - by #iphone6
Lampson Yup: Attraction - By #iphone6 #vsco
Lampson Yup: No matter what - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Last man - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: When the city comes alive - by #iPhone6
Lampson Yup: Slowly - by #iPhone6
Lampson Yup: Cityscape - by #iphone6
Lampson Yup: Structure - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Treasure
Lampson Yup: Urban reflection
Lampson Yup: 落雨有咩好怕 - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Some people dance in the rain, others just get wet - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: ☔️↖️ - By #iphone6 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Transcendence - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Outside
Lampson Yup: Part of the city
Lampson Yup: World of Z - By #iphone5 #layout #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: 🏢 vs🚶 - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam #layout
Lampson Yup: <> - By #iphone5 #layout #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Metropolis - By #iphone5 #layout #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Urban Gold - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: 尋方向 - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Let's go back one more time and show them what we're capable of. You can do it. You hear me? You are... Birdman! - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: "Horses lend us the wings we lack" - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: "不要只想著贏,要想不能輸" - KANO - By #iphone5 #VSCOcam
Lampson Yup: Sky walker
Lampson Yup: Challenge