yjsoon: "Wait so is that slide for me"
yjsoon: "PC LOAD LETTER"
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: "What are you waiting for human" Side note: my legs are 90% covered in fur now
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: Family portrait 2014, iPhones 1 & 6.
yjsoon: Hurrrr?
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: Yeah that's my baby alright
yjsoon: Great he claimed the iPad mini too
yjsoon: Looking at the caged wild animal
yjsoon: "These iPads are MINE"
yjsoon: Dude, the top of that chair isn't the best place to pet you
yjsoon: Cue encounter music
yjsoon: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yjsoon: Why is that tiny human SO LOUD
yjsoon: Bottle feeding: You're doing it wrong
yjsoon: Colour-matched baby is decidedly not amused by juxtaposed caption
yjsoon: Drunk, passed out, and pantsless: my kid's getting a head-start on college life
yjsoon: My keyboard's been replaced
yjsoon: Come on just try it dude
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: Dude this baby is loud
yjsoon: Bye, AiAi. I hope you find an equally comfortable human to sit on in your next life.
yjsoon: Dude dude it's my turn
yjsoon: Mmm, diaper fragrance
yjsoon: upload
yjsoon: "Well this is going to be an interesting year"