yipkit: 超攰 謝天公謝團隊謝各位
yipkit: 執屋。 見到呢份Rundown只能認命認老。 #cleanmyhome #oldstuffs #eventlife #show #premier #film #hongkong #memory
yipkit: heaven #nofilter #realrest #morning
yipkit: Maldives finally. Real rest. #dontwakemup #heaven #maldives #naturalbeauty #finallyicanrest #realrest
yipkit: 炒粿條 in 0730!!! ahhhh I love Singapore hawker food!!!!!! it's delicious!! #singaporehawkerfood
yipkit: Tame Impala
yipkit: [味吉陽一Mode]好好味呀,快啲嚟埋鏡拼拼! @集中放空之慢慢畫市集 觀塘工業中心一期12樓S室 到今晚七點咋!
yipkit: Happy Saturday with some wines #iamwhaticook #cookingnight #happywhilecooking #readytocook #delicious
yipkit: open work 開工
yipkit: 當九龍衝出香港 我還是在這後台 只是身份不一樣 #TEDxKowloon2016
yipkit: 謝謝你 你總懂得 讓我如此 簡單快樂
yipkit: another year. I m back to here again. you got to remind yourself what had you done in your life. never forget.
yipkit: 天光了,終於可以起行返歸。 it's time to head back home after 22 hours of work.
yipkit: what a late night... still not finish... ahhhh
yipkit: Hello Ah Kwong
yipkit: 正呀!
yipkit: putyourself.in opening party 多謝創辨人Wilson 謝謝你的勇氣 謝謝你們的信任 我跟自己說 要追上你們的步伐 #putyourselfin
yipkit: 早會 令人懷念的學生生活 #schoollife #goodolddays #whileyouwereyoung
yipkit: you gotta eat good west after an exhausted week. 累掛的五天後讓自己食好西不為過。 #iamwhaticook #eatgoodwest #cooking #ilovecooking
yipkit: Duo-monitor working Saturday at home. Lovely.
yipkit: Chor 4 go for some classics 初四來一點經典 #真茶餐廳
yipkit: new shoes for cny #traditional
yipkit: 風味 地方特色
yipkit: 八底,搞掂。 係要就快手。 #lawpakgo #cnymusthave #iamwhaticook
yipkit: Read
yipkit: it's not mattered how early I start to work, it's mattered how I work. I missed my freelancing life. #dontgetmyselftiedup #freelance #getalife
yipkit: hiking day #healthy #forced
yipkit: RubberBand Gotta Go Tour #Rb #RubberBand #G #GottaGo #hmv Go get a copy in store or iTunes Store
yipkit: First song of 2016: The Beatles
yipkit: HOCC Reimagine Live in Macpherson Woods