kevinmoore57: Golden Oyster Mushrooms
Sea Moss Monster: Sandhill Cranes
christian.deme: Hummingbirds
kopperlben: SNWR40November 08, 2024
Alan M :-): Cattle Egret Chick
Richard Miguletz: Schwanzmeise_129A1A06130-B
Richard Miguletz: Bartmeise_4377AB07079-B
Richard Miguletz: Wintergoldhähnchen_137A1A08533-B
Manni Aigner: Mit Schwung ‪ins neue Jahr - Into the new year with momentum‬
Sandor_Somkuti: Karlskirche Wien
dinarte.pereira: IMG_6418
boonloke: IN SIGHT
belas62: Sylvia melanocephala, Μαυροτσιροβάκος, Sardinian Warbler
belas62: Merops apiaster, Μελισσοφάγος, European bee-eater
Ron Buening: Scoping It Out
Ron Buening: Braced for Impact
ferrand-michelle: Râle d'eau (Rallus aquaticus)
Alan M :-): Crimson Rosella
Alan M :-): Fairy Martins
dinarte.pereira: IMG_9470
santana100: Schwarzkehlchen, Paar
natureuberalles: The Frightened One
markcoleman8: PC090184
davie ch: DSC_0388-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_0195-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_0287-Edit-Edit