EdFladung: Puerta Antigua
shadowplay: Bella needs a shave...
LindaB.: Window detail
Duarja: Amarg retorn / Bitter return
mike;: IMG_2085
mike;: IMG_2121
mike;: DSCF2616
mike;: DSC_0856
mike;: DSC_0883
mike;: DSCF2641
mike;: DSCF2665
mike;: DSCF2666
mike;: DSCF2669
mike;: DSC_0933
mike;: DSC_0930
mike;: DSC_1012
mike;: DSCF2701
mike;: DSC_1340
mike;: DSC_1367
mike;: the island, flatland
mike;: DSC_1376
mike;: DSC_1598
mike;: DSC_1717
mike;: DSC_1723
mike;: ghosts on the bay
mike;: insignificant
mike;: cloud and bath
mike;: posted
mike;: sky and sea
mike;: fucking awesome wanted ad. read the description.