monochro me: 新世界 Shinsekai,Osaka
nicotinegum: Idiots In Love
Ami VC: 0001
jacooobdavis: dennis, daisy and jacob
longboard_rod: Brewdog Camden
cranjam: Bloomsbury
whaty_whaty: Fujifilm Pro 400 H Color Negative Film - Contact Sheet (1 or 2)
Vic Tsai: 2015_08 Seoul
Vic Tsai: Contax T3 + Fujifilm Superia XTRA 400
Vic Tsai: Contax T3 + Fujifilm Superia XTRA 400
Vic Tsai: Contax T3 + Fujifilm Superia XTRA 400
raphael aaron: Car Wash Portrait
RawFish92: When I'm With You..
benriley80: OSAKA
blues3star: DSC01126
blues3star: DSC01250
JamesChan1985: 9609-FUJIFILM PREMIUM 40019