ybnormalman: How do I get such great consistency in my spinach pasta? Child labor, that's how.
ybnormalman: Never thought I'd be building My Little Ponies out of blocks...
ybnormalman: What kind of pie am I having for Super Pi Day? Only the best kind!
ybnormalman: So, ummmmm. That's happening in the parking lot at work right now.
ybnormalman: Spin spin spin!
ybnormalman: I don't usually play favorites with Christmas presents, but this year, there is a clear winner!
ybnormalman: upload
ybnormalman: She really, really likes looking at the Christmas tree.
ybnormalman: Blanket fort!
ybnormalman: She came across a stack of baskets halfway through our Target run, and kept putting random things in it saying, "Emery carry it!"
ybnormalman: Landlord gave Emery a rocking chair he's had lying around for a year, she is LOVING it!
ybnormalman: Accessories!
ybnormalman: Memere the Deal Hunter came bearing gifts!
ybnormalman: Being super cute today while we were out shopping!
ybnormalman: Well someone woke up on the right side of the bed!
ybnormalman: Giraffe is giving her a checkup.
ybnormalman: Guess who found out she could reach the baby powder on her changing table from her crib last night...
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