aronbaker2: charity
Barefoot In Florida: Children of Bantu Refugees
EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid: Thailand: Refugees dare to dream of home
Tobyotter: Good night
United Nations Photo: Western Sahara Refugees
mariennapw: IMG_4641
eriktorner: Tibetan girl in Tserok Tibetan Refugee Settlement, Mustang, Nepal
UNHCR Photo Download: Thousands Start Afresh in Niger After Fleeing Nigeria
UNHCR Photo Download: Thousands Start Afresh in Niger After Fleeing Nigeria
hdptcar: Girl in front of a mosquito net
englishpen: Europolyglot workshops at Wapping Jesuit Refugee Service
UNHCR Photo Download: Matiop’s First Days as a Refugee in Uganda
Allen Gathman: Union refugees fleeing north
Joshua Zakary: Play Time
climatalk: Hope
SAIatCalU: 2013-11-13-CalU-Food-Pantry-1I9A9220
S.L.M.: Volunteer
idexmarketing: Volunteering
Steve Wedgwood: Oakland Yellow Jackets volunteers
ywammadison: genae paints
University of Denver: Student Volunteer Provides Child Care
SAIatCalU: 2013-11-13-CalU-Food-Pantry-1I9A9343
Oatsandsugar: What a smile!
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 54 of "Christian herald and signs of our times" (1895)
ResoluteSupportMedia: 120211-A-FK825-010
.^.Blanksy: Tibetan refugee . Nepal
EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid: Thailand: Refugees dare to dream of home
Anth0ny Gale: 20210227-DSC_0971