Masahiro Makino: ひまわり
Daryl Chapman Photography: Lotus, 340R, Luk Keng, Hong Kong
Masahiro Makino: トンボ
C.Preston Roberts: Triumph Speedmaster
Masahiro Makino: 祇園祭 花傘巡行
Masahiro Makino: 祇園祭 花傘巡行
Masahiro Makino: 祇園祭 花傘巡行
philinauckland: foreshore.Rocket
Masahiro Makino: 建仁寺 Kenninji temple
dingatx: ROT Rally 2012 back in parking.
Motographer: A little break near Sissu
go-dy: Head to the Big Dipper
ducktail964: ipm_DSC_4559
Shibazo: フューエルタンクに写る空。
k sungwon: DUCATI MH900E
John T100: Sunrise on Port Douglas
John T100: Sunrise
Nobuhiro Kashiwagi: Moon 10 DEC 2011
tom.basham: Group 120129