stephanie with the yarn: fall18 hpkchc proporion points
stephanie with the yarn: fall18 heat map
stephanie with the yarn: fall18 bar stack by area
stephanie with the yarn: fall18 mean median stdev
stephanie with the yarn: fall18 total points by area by house
stephanie with the yarn: historical average points per sorted student fall18
stephanie with the yarn: Resized95201810129521013795343.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20181031_213407.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20181031_214311.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: image-20181006_155934.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20181017_073756.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180831_155924.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180930_173230.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180930_173402_2.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180930_183628.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180907_203436_741.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180908_211323.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180901_162518.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: Screenshot_20180830-141525.png
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180829_103450.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180828_183549.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180828_183108.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180828_183116.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180828_145524.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180827_124537.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180820_210049.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: IMG_20180820_210041.jpg
stephanie with the yarn: historical average points per sorted student spring18
stephanie with the yarn: spring18 heat map