koen_jacobs: March of the Zombies
dervermummteherr: Marienkirche Krakau
dervermummteherr: Havelland
Joep R.: Sliding by
Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes: 20061213_348_Mumbai_65.jpg
raffaeledirosa: Enchanted winter at the Etna Volcano
@t.: IMG_0659-1.jpg
@t.: Between a rock and a hard place
@t.: IMG_1417_8_9-1.jpg
@t.: IMG_0923-9.jpg
Itzick: Considering (D80_457616)
rayborg2011: IMG_0246
A.Ayuso: Quietud.
C.LawsPhotography: From the Salzweiher directly down
Rickydavid: Italian Palace
sparkspill: Somewhere between "be patient" and "nothing comes to those who wait".
r.w.dawson: The Rapidan River
r.w.dawson: The Sentry
sparkspill: As long as it has meaning.
Rol247*: Sunset at Playa de las Canteras
Ca Bart: Have a break Lviv
Andrew Grauman: Kauai-2a
Andrew Grauman: Kauai Andrew Grauman-1
zachstern: Sooper Dooper Lincoln
D-W-J-S: The Kindly Faced Dentist
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Outra série com uma fêmea de Estrelinha-ametista, Beija-flor-mosca (Rio Grande do Sul), Besourinho-ametista, Besouro-zumbidor ou Tesourinha (Calliphlox amethystina) - Picaflor amatista - Another series with the female of the Amethyst Woodstar - 09-12-2008