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albums of Yale Law Library
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C-85a, 2021
Art of the Printed Word, 2020
Research in Yale Law Library's Rare Book Collection
African American History
Capital punishment
Courtroom scenes
Dutch court scenes
Environmental law
Hispanic American History
Judicial torture
Justitia: iconography of Justice
Justitia - title page vignettes
Justitia - headpieces
Justitia - headpieces, cropped
Justitia - tailpieces
Justitia - initials
Juvenile jurisprudence
Law & Modern Social Movements
Law libraries
Law offices
Legal education
Legal trees
Portraits: legal authors
Portraits: Dottori Modonesi (1665)
Portraits: Hugo Grotius
Portraits: Illustrium iureconsultorum (1566)
Portraits: Knötzschker's Juristische Annalen (1795)
Tom Mooney
Trials: The Amistad case
Trials: Barclay and Co.
Trials: McDade's Ladies
Trials: Trial of Queen Caroline
African law
Asian law
Austrian law
Belgian law
Connecticut law & legal history
Dutch law
Dutch legal dissertations
Eastern European law
English law
English law - Blackstone
English law - Magna Carta
English law - Taussig Collection
English law - Richard Tottel
French law
German law
German law - Hommel, K. F.
German lawyers at work - Lochner
German legal dissertations
Islamic Law
International law
Italian law
Italian statutes
Jewish law
Latin American law
Portuguese law
Roman-canon law
Russian law
Scandinavian law
Scots law
Spanish law
U.S. law
Law, general
MORRIS images
L'arbitre charitable (1668)
Baïf, De re navali (1537)
Bambergensis 1508
Bambergensis 1580
Cicero De officiis, de amicitia, de senectute, nec non Paradoxa eiusdem (Venice 1518)
Coutumes d'Artois (1756)
Damhoudere's Enchiridion Rerum Criminalium (1554)
Damhoudere's Practique iudiciaire (1572)
Damhoudere's Practica, gerichtlicher Handlunge in bürgerliche Sachen (1575)
Damhoudere's Praxis rerum criminalium (1575)
Damhoudere's Practycke in civile sacken (1660)
Domat's Loix civiles (1689)
The Fisk-Stokes Tragedy
Göbler's Der Rechten Spiegel (1558)
Göbler's Statutenbuch (1572)
Handbuch aller unter der Regierung des Kaisers Joseph des II
Justicie atque iniusticie
Justinian's Institutes (1516), illustrated
Justinian's Institutes (1560), illustrated
Justinian's Institutes (1580), illustrated
Leiser's Jus Georgicum (3rd ed. 1741)
Panormitanus 1477
Regles du droit françois - manuscript
Saur's Formular (1588)
Saur's Straff Buch (1581)
Statutes of the Knights of Malta
Tengler's Layenspiegel (1512)
Tengler's Layenspiegel (1514)
Tractatus de aquaeductu (1713)
Tractatus iuris (1549)
Tractatus universi iuris (1584-86)
The Trunk Tragedy
Book presentation scenes
Decorative printed paper
Engraved initials
Imprinted by Richard Tottel (or Rycharde Tottyll, or...)
Matthew Hale autographs
Medieval binding fragments
Medieval binding fragments - legal texts
Medieval manuscripts in vernacular
Pope, images of
Printers' devices
Provenance Markings
Religious images
Ship images
Title page vignettes
Woodcut decorations - German
Woodcut decorations - other
Woodcut initials - German
Woodcut initials - other
Yale Law Library holiday cards
Yale Law Library exhibit posters
350 Years of Rebellious Lawyering
Around the World with Law's Picture Books
Blackstone 250
"Connecting Roman Law Books"
Grotius exhibit
Hemard exhibit
Representing Justice
Murder & Women in 19th C. America
Representing the Law in the Most Serene Republic
Woof, Moo, Grr
Law Books Bright and Beautiful
Legally Binding
William Lanson's Book of Satisfaction
Isaiah Lanson's Statement & Inquiry
Lady Justice slide show
Justitia headpiece slide show
Initials scratch pad
From Law Book to Legal Book