ozuǝq: A vague idea that a sad story is
La Watson: Bencina y parafina
La Watson: negro con dorado
gordon shumwey: hot wheels
zarvo: #nativo
FIFA 2000: lorena te lamo
Rafael Edwards: no estas solo en los infinitos mundos
Bazerko: Mess is best - Adelaide - 2014
Bazerko: g twn party pie
Bazerko: no its not vans but its on a van
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: things to be copulating,anti matter dffuser of non empathic emotions
FIFA 2000: corrientes ba
155ruidos: homenaje al maestro
victorybros: Now that's a Bloody Mary
155ruidos: primeras murallas
SEISDEDOS GRAFITIS: para correr rapido, hay que ser feliz
jshortart: pathway to g.
jshortart: schwarzschild holiday
jshortart: scroll of early space-nuts
FIFA 2000: 23fifa
Trek Matthews: a misinformed analysis between where we were and where we're headed to.