Yagamijo: Finally a doll pic
Yagamijo: The Jedis
Yagamijo: Some of the attendees of the dollmeet
Yagamijo: The very very nice looking Halloween bunch
Yagamijo: My wedded couple hahaha, if anyone can tell who they are ^^
Yagamijo: The 2 Scoundrels @ home
Yagamijo: I am BORED ..... very bored
Yagamijo: The new twins at home. Here's Touma with his older brother by mins, Tosh
Yagamijo: Angel with Mirai
Yagamijo: Finally a Doll Meet
Yagamijo: Darling Angel
Yagamijo: Sei and Angel
Yagamijo: My dear Huntress
Yagamijo: Brothers ^^
Yagamijo: My dear old boy, Qi who's been with me for 8 years. We will still be counting the years together ^^
Yagamijo: Finally my long time no seen boy, Qi is back
Yagamijo: Kinda miss my boys ><
Yagamijo: Mirai's friend
Yagamijo: Wishing all friends a Prosperous Happy Lunar New Year. Been really busy with baking orders & also ill for some time due to Dengue Fever. Hope all friends have a burst of good luck in 2015
Yagamijo: Been quite long since i last updated my flickr >< here's my M&M looking confused in their sleepwear
Yagamijo: My own talk of Beauty & the Beast
Yagamijo: Prince or Beast???
Yagamijo: Mirai wolfie ^^
Yagamijo: Experimenting with old picture
Yagamijo: Moody still
Yagamijo: Masa
Yagamijo: Snow White & Rose Red