soobee620: Sigma 150-600 test shot: European Starling
nick.linda: Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
kratochvilovim: Bubeníkovy sady
joseph - jb7: The Plank 65mm jb73940
m_findlay_: Canon EOS 3 - Kodak Ektar 100 - January February 2018
andrew c mace: Brooklyn Bridge Walkway, New York City
goldenimageworks65: Dusty Dixie Road lake michigan dec 27 2006
Zane's Photography: Cedar Creek Grist Mill
Phil Grain: IMG_2093
Allxfoo: Oh,
nEjmEd: Eszter with Minolta
The Paul Reid: Mo Petroni
tsiklonaut: Timorese Teacher
tolliv: H01585 Garonne et Pyrénées
miskin69: The Day You Tried To Live (film)
Giovanni C.: Peloponnese
cindyloughridge: joseph leonard
Bushtography: Millennium Bridge
standa1956: Trojan horse